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Clog and Toilet Unclogging: 13+ Easy and Efficient DIY Tips for Quick and Cost-effective Solutions at Home

1. Causes of Current Drain and Toilet Clogs

There are several reasons for blockages in drains and toilets, with the most common being the following four:

a) Blocked Drain Pipes, Improperly Designed

Over time, without proper inspection and maintenance, the quality of drain pipes can deteriorate. Causes of blockages include the accumulation of waste, food particles, and debris. Incorrect sizing or the use of substandard materials during installation can also affect the drainage system.

b) Insufficient Water in the Tank

A lack of enough water for a quick flush can lead to inefficient waste and toilet paper removal. This can result in drain clogs and hinder the drainage process.

c) Accumulation of Hard Water in the Toilet Bowl

Hardened, calcified water can accumulate in toilet bowls, creating solid deposits that reduce water flushing efficiency, leading to toilet and drain blockages.

d) Children Throwing Toys into the Toilet

Bathrooms, especially for young children, are attractive places. This often leads to children putting toys and other items in the toilet, a common cause of toilet clogs.

2. 13 Simple and Effective Home Remedies for Unclogging Drains and Toilets

Encountering drain and toilet clogs is a common issue for many households. Before calling a plumber, you can try some simple and effective home remedies for unclogging drains and toilets:

2.1. Flush Toilet with Natural Water Pressure

Using natural water pressure is an effective and simple method to unclog a toilet without using any complex tools. Easily accomplished by pressing the flush button at its maximum capacity or pressing it twice, this method helps quickly push waste, toilet paper, and other debris down the drain.

2.2. Use Drain or Toilet Clog Remover Powder or Tablets

If your toilet is clogged due to inorganic substances like algae, newspaper, or toilet paper, consider using clog remover powder. Simply pour the powder into the toilet bowl, wait 4-6 hours, and then flush to solve the issue.

2.3. Unclog Toilet with Large Tape or Plastic Wrap

To unclog a toilet or drain with household items, try the following simple steps:

Step 1: Wrap the toilet bowl tightly with plastic wrap or large tape, ensuring at least 2-3 layers to prevent any leakage.

Step 2: Press the flush button multiple times. The air pressure within the toilet bowl will inflate the plastic wrap, creating a force to push waste out.

Step 3: If the wrap inflates, use your hand to push it down further, creating additional air pressure to force clogs to flow.

2.4. Use Expanding Salt with Vinegar

Mix 500g baking soda, 500ml vinegar, and 3 liters of hot water. Pour the mixture into the toilet bowl, let it sit for 5-7 hours (or overnight), and then flush. The chemical components in the expanding salt will help break down waste, facilitating quick drainage.

2.5. Fastest Toilet Unclogging with Coca-Cola or Pepsi

Coca-Cola and Pepsi are considered cost-effective ways to address toilet clogs. Pour either soda into the toilet bowl, wait for 2 hours to allow the chemical components to dissolve waste, and then flush to complete the process.

2.6. Unclog Drains with Boiling Water and Dish Soap

The active ingredients in dish soap play a crucial role in cleaning and breaking down waste. Additionally, boiling water has the ability to dissolve solid matter when combined with strong water pressure. The combination of dish soap and boiling water quickly decomposes waste, making it flow through drains more forcefully.

2.7. Drain and Toilet Unclogging with Ice Cubes

Putting ice cubes in the toilet not only effectively eliminates odors but can also be used to address clogs or drain blockages. The cold water from the ice cubes causes internal clogs in toilets or drains to contract, creating favorable conditions for easier removal.

2.8. Deal with Toilet Clogs Using a Simple Plunger

Similar to using plastic wrap or tape, you can also use a toilet plunger to solve clogging issues. This is an efficient method that saves time.

2.9. Toilet Unclogging with a Rubber Plunger

A plunger, also known as a force cup, is a common tool used to address drain and toilet clogs.

How to use it:

Place the plunger directly over the toilet drain.

Use force to push the plunger down into the toilet bowl.

Lift the plunger quickly after 6-7 continuous attempts.

Finally, press the flush button multiple times to ensure all waste is flushed away.

2.10. Use a Clothing Hanger as an Unclogging Tool

If you don’t have a specialized toilet unclogging tool at home, you can easily utilize a clothes hanger for the job.

How to use it:

Bend the clothes hanger into a makeshift toilet unclogging tool.

Insert the hanger into the toilet drain.

Apply pressure to push the obstruction down the pipe.

2.11. Clear Toilet Clogs with a Plastic Bottle

Unclogging a toilet or drain can be done in four simple steps:

Step 1: Drain water from the toilet bowl.

Step 2: Pour hot water into a large plastic bottle.

Step 3: Place your thumb on the bottle’s top and position the bottle’s head into the toilet drain.

Step 4: Release your thumb, and squeeze the bottle to create pressure. Increased pressure can dislodge any obstruction.

2.12. Utilize a Vacuum Cleaner for Toilet Unclogging

Step 1: Use a vacuum cleaner to remove all water from the toilet bowl.

Step 2: Wrap a piece of fabric around the vacuum cleaner’s nozzle before inserting it into the toilet drain.

Step 3: Securely hold the fabric with your hand to reduce suction pressure inside the toilet drain.

Step 4: Activate the vacuum cleaner and perform the toilet unclogging process. After 2-5 minutes, remove the vacuum cleaner nozzle and press the flush button to eliminate waste.

2.13. Use a Professional Drain Snake for Toilet Unclogging

In just 5 minutes, you can easily handle waste with a specialized drain snake.

How to do it:

Hold the hand crank and insert the snake’s head into the toilet drain.

Rotate quickly in the opposite direction.

The snake’s head will spin, helping break down soft obstructions like toilet paper and other waste.


With these simple and effective home remedies, you can address toilet and drain clogs efficiently before resorting to professional help. Save time and resolve these issues independently.

Cre: tiki